Affirmative Action isn't the problem, inequality is.

Affirmative Action isn't the problem, inequality is.

By: Moyo Ajepe 

By now you’ve probably heard of the absolutely outlandish scandal that broke regarding multiple high profile celebrities/ professionals bribing their children’s way into college. As a black (almost) college graduate, I was glad to see how this event opened the door to a more pointed discussion about affirmative action.

Healthy Skepticism Is Okay: The Jussie Smollett Case

Healthy Skepticism Is Okay: The Jussie Smollett Case

By: Cassandre

While some people reacted with outrage and sympathy towards Jussie, other people questioned the actors' story from the beginning. As a result, they faced backlash for not immediately accepting the actors' story. This story brings to light an important question, are we allowed to publicly doubt?

The Problem With Defending Liam

The Problem With Defending Liam

By: Cassandre 

Actor Liam Neeson was recently promoting his newest film, Cold Pursuit. The purpose of his interview on Monday was to solely speak about his movie. However, the actor shared a bit of disturbing information. The original interview can be found in the Independent Culture. In the interview, Liam tries to explain how his character from Cold Pursuit, turns to anger.

Michelle Williams and Our Obsession with Women's Relationship Statuses

Michelle Williams and Our Obsession with Women's Relationship Statuses

By: Cassandre Joseph

The fact that Michelle is receiving so much attention because of her relationship status points to a bigger societal issue. That being that a woman's value and relevance is tied directly to her relationship status. Our society is obsessed with relationships and love.

Blackfishing: A New Trend, Old Concept

Blackfishing: A New Trend, Old Concept

By: Nella Rae

The term blackfishing is relatively new, but many believe the concept isn’t. The uptick in white women using makeup and tanning to darken their skin is believed to be a modern-day form of blackface. Whether the goal is to appear to have darker skin or black ancestry, imitating the black appearance has become quite the phenomenon.